Friday, August 29, 2014

iPhone 6 will ​​released at the Flint Center

Apple recently issued invitations to determine the September 9 release the iPhone 6 locations. The invitation said that Apple plans to hold the event at the Flint Center for the Performing Arts in California College. 30 years ago, Apple founder Steve Jobs introduced the original version of this Mac computers.

Currently, Apple is the construction of a large building in the College Dean Sa, and is hidden behind a white obstacle tight. A reader forum MacRumors Apple's well-known issue a Flint Center mysterious construction photos, it seems to be a three-storey building, is said to have a large number of security personnel to maintain. Management has so far refused to purpose-built building refuses to talk about this, saying only that the customer wishes should not be discussed.

Over the years, Apple has never held an event at the Flint Center. So when Steve Jobs announced his return to the place where the Mac, Apple's next move may suggest will no trivial matter. When Apple launched the Flint Center than other products borrowed venue can accommodate more people,